Nothing beats game day in Morgantown and I’m always thrilled when fans of opposing teams can experience the fun-loving, Almost Heaven atmosphere, too. Yesterday, I received a wonderful email from Oklahoma State grad Shane Smith about his experience.
Dave and I met Shane, along with his friend Justin, in our hotel lobby last Friday. Shane’s letter brings home why I’m so proud to be a Mountaineer and I thought I’d share it here.
It was great meeting you and your husband at the Mountaineer Inn! I just wanted to send you a note and tell you what a great experience I had in Morgantown.
Everywhere we went, the fans were coming up to us and welcoming us to Morgantown. People were buying us drinks when we were out on Friday night and telling us where we should go next and what to do while we were in town.
I didn’t think it was possible, but on Saturday the hospitality was even greater. The nice folks who were managing the Purple lot gave us our own little section and guided all OSU fans to it. Your fans around us were continuously coming over and bringing us food, drinks, and letting us know the best way to get to the stadium.
The whole walk to the stadium, people were greeting us and welcoming us to the game. The game was intense and an incredible atmosphere!
Even after the loss, your fans were still gracious and thanking us for coming. I can honestly say it was the best away-game experience I’ve had and you have one of the best fan bases in the country in Morgantown. I can’t wait to come back in a couple of years and hope you’ll get to make the trip to Stillwater soon!
Loyal & True,
Shane Miller, Director of Engagement, Oklahoma State University Alumni Assoc.
I also had this same experience I wad in Morgantown for an Oklahoma State/WVU game! My house is half Oklahoma State and half WVU! Love Me some Mountaineers!
That’s awesome! Let’s go Mountaineers!
Section 122 has the best fans- famous tailgating bloggers and the peanut man. Let’s Go Mountaineers!!!!
I love section 122!
I spent 16 weeks in Oklahoma when I was in the Army Field Artillery in the mid 1960s. Okies are special people, honest and hard working, and great friends. I loved my experience there, and although I personally didn’t get the chance to welcome any to Morgantown for the game, I would have done so with enthusiasm if I had had the opportunity. Come back and see us soon, and stay longer next time!
glad you had a great and it’s a good think you didn’t have a couch with you or “poof”, the couch would’ve been history. See you in Stillwater.
I experienced a lot of nice people in Morgantown but also received my fair share of expletives and middle fingers while walking into the game without any prodding from me. When I turned down alcohol from a tailgate I was called a “virgin”. I was also asked “what kind of f#%^*$g Cowboy doesn’t wear cowboy boots.” Once in the game, I was welcomed to three middle fingers while chanting “Orange Power.” There were some very nice WVU fans behind us who were great, but even they were embarrassed of their brethren. I know that every team has its bad apple fans. It seems that I was thrown into the middle of them.
Good luck to WVU this year. You have a beautiful campus and I enjoyed my time there. I don’t mean to be a “negative Nancy”, but I hope that you let OSU fans know if you have a negative experience in Stillwater.
It is unfortunate that a few bad fans can ruin an experience for others. I’m sorry you encountered some of this. I’m glad you recognize that these bad apples don’t represent Mountaineer Nation as a whole. I always respect fans who travel for their teams and have raised my kids to do so as well.
Yeah, those are the fans we generally refer to as the village idiots. I’m glad your not holding it against all of us. Hopefully if you do decide to come back again your greeted and treated with more respect then that. On behalf of everyone else I am sorry for your experience. People like that do make the rest of else ashamed to wear the colors at times just because we don’t want to be associated with them!